Magic Kingdom

The next day we woke up early to head to Magic Kingdom for the extra magic hours. We knew that our first day was filled with fast passes, dining reservations and some fun extras, and we wanted to get as much of the park done as we could.We started with some of the more popular rides, before the lines got super long. So we headed to fairy tale land to ride Dumbo, the teacups, and all the rides we could before our 9 am breakfast reservation at Chef Mickeys. Surprisingly we were able to get more rides knocked out before breakfast then we thought.

We made our way to breakfast and the girls were amazed when they saw the characters come out. Marcella sat there in amazement and Izzy took off trying to go hug them. We had to explain to them that we had to wait our turn for them to come to our table. I took the kids up to the buffet to get their food real quick before they made it to us; thankfully we were closer to the back on character rotations. I have to say I was pretty impressed that both of my girls were willing to try a little bit of everything. We got back to the table, ate our breakfast, and waited for the characters to come. When they made it to our table, the girls handed them their autograph book, stood to take a picture, gave hugs, and sat back down happily. Izzy though just had to boop each of them on the nose gently. After we saw all the characters, we finished breakfast, packed up and headed back to the park for our fast passes. With our fast passes, we were able to reschedule them for other rides if we were able to ride that ride before our time, it was nice perk.
After making our way through some more rides, meeting characters, and enjoying the park, we headed to Cinderella’s castle. The girls had no clue, but they were getting princess make overs at the Bippity Bop Boutique. We walked in and the wonder filled their faces, when we told them what we were doing they both jumped up and down screaming. I don’t think I could of asked for a better response. Their fairy godmother called their name and off we went, they each picked out a crown and off to the dressing room we went, because I had already bought their dresses. They stood in front of the big mirror as Cinderella’s fairy godmother appeared to welcome them. They changed, Marcella chose Ariel and Izzy chose Belle, and then we waited to be taken across to the castle where the magic would happen.

We made it over to the castle were each of them had their own fairy godmother to do their make over. The girls were turned around away from the mirror, so they had no idea what they were doing or how they looked. They had make up done, nails done, and their hair. I think the smiles I kept getting throughout the whole process was well worth it. Then came the time for the BIG reveal- as the fairy godmother sprinkled their dusts and spun them around, the smiles on their faces just got bigger. It truly was a moment that made my heart smile, seeing them so happy and truly feeling like a princess. They thanked their godmothers, tipped them, and off we went to our dinner reservation at the Crystal Palace.

As we walked in to the Crystal Palace the girls jaws dropped and all you heard them say was WOOOOOW. They were amazed by the beauty of it. As we made our way to our seats the girls spotted Tigger and couldn’t contain their excitement. So we quickly ordered our drinks and went up to grab food as we waited for them to make it to our table. Marcella has always been a Pooh Bear girl and as he walked up to her she was star struck. Izzy being Izzy wasn’t afraid of any of them just ran right up to them and gave them big hugs and of course a boop on the nose before they left. The characters got a kick out of it. As we finished up our dinner, our sweet waitress brought out a birthday card signed by the characters for Marcella, since we were celebrating her birthday while there.

After dinner we made our way around to get in some more rides before we had to find our spots for the fireworks show. We rode space mountain, alien invasion, and all the rides we could in tomorrow land since it was closest to the fireworks area. When it started getting dark, we made our way to find the perfect spot and boy we had a good one. But then an employee came around telling us that where we and a ton of other people were was not an approved sitting area, so we had to move. We moved over to the tomorrow land bridge. While they were not the best seats and a tree was blocking part of the castle, our family of 4 stood there in amazement of the wonderful show that they put on. We made our way back to the car and headed to the hotel. We made it back to the hotel room, showered, changed and fell fast asleep for the next day was Epcot.

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