Soak Up the Now
Over the past few weeks; specifically these past few days the Lord has been stirring not only in my life but also in my spirit. From speaking directly to me, to speaking through someone, to calming my spirit and giving me the strength to get back up when I’ve been knocked down & thought I had reached my breaking point; the Lord has drawn so so close to my heart and soul. People say that when you draw close to the Lord He draws near to you and man I’m here to tell you it’s true. I have started to see the Lord in the little every day to day things I over looked before. Yesterday I was told I was shining and given the amount of stress and changes going on my response was I don’t know why, but as I walked away the Lord whispered because of my grace, in your weakness I am strong…

Today was my first day back at Starbucks after 7 months of being on leave dealing with my arm injury; when the enemy started stirring the Lord quickened my spirit to combat against it & that was just the beginning. As my first day back progressed the Lord showed up again and again from my favorite customers to dear friends; He assured me I was right where I needed to be. Today I learned that even with all that life throws at you to be thankful and grateful for the now, that waiting for the “next” thing is a waste of time but you can steward and share right here right now, that growth/ maturity & boldness in the Lord isn’t just for me that overflows into my family but to all those around me that I interact with, and lastly that I just need to sit in the now that all those other “things” can wait because they will still be there later.

So I end with this- today is the day to soak in the stillness of every moment, be thankful for the season you are in even if it is a trying difficult valley that seems dark because I promise you it will be worth it in the long run, & just love on and encourage the people around you because you may just be the only light in their day.

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