It’s been a while
Wow… its been a long time since I have sat down to write. It wasn’t just for the simple fact of writers block, but with the punches life threw at us over the past two years and having such big emotions putting them in to words was hard, terrifying, scary, and heartbreaking. You see every time I thought about writing, I would find something less emotional to do, because once I decided to sit and write I would have to face all the emotions from the past two years head on.
So here I am starting over at the beginning of a new year and while I am not quiet ready to face all those emotions and trails we have gone through I know I am meant to share our story. While its been one hell of a year or two for everyone here is where i will share our story of living through a pandemic while being a care taker to my dying mother in law, raising my two children, finishing my degree, the over whelming grief of losing my mother in law, how I quiet my job, decided to homeschool our children, packed up our townhouse, left the one place I had accepted as home, moved to a new town, bought a house, walked through the loneliest depression of my life, got a new job, and somehow still managed to slowly find myself again. Here you will see the highest highs and lowest lows where I wasn’t sure I was going to make it. Honestly, I am not really sure how I made it and am still standing tall, fighting these battles, and trying to better my life and those around me. The only explanation was knowing that the Lord was carrying me, protecting me, strengthening me through out these past 2 years and that He saw every tear, heart break, and unspoken prayer. Now I can look back to see that we were exactly where we were meant to be…even in what seemed to be the darkest and longest valley of our lives.

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